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We share our gained knowledge.

Receive, develop and share

Exchange knowledge

We analyse current trends and topics intensively. Through our professional activities in various organisations and markets, we deal with a wide range of issues and solutions. We creatively develop these impulses into new ideas, methods and solutions.

We share our findings in books, specialist journals, our magazine and blog. In this way, we provide insights into our working methods and share our knowledge.

initiative* magazine

Let us inspire you!

M&O and carve-outs: reshaping for success


le grand-écart


change gap


Business Panel

In our amontis Business Panel, we reflect on topics that are relevant to companies and organiaations – in an entertaining and in-depth way.

"Imparting knowledge means sharing
a treasure,
without making it any smaller."

Malcolm X

Being socially responsible

Competence Sponsoring

We advise well-known companies, but also support voluntary associations and start-ups in organising themselves more professionally, strategically and efficiently.

Since 2018, our award-winning “Competence Sponsoring” program has been offering non-profit associations and start-ups free participation in professional development seminars. This program was awarded the LEA SME Award award.

Share with us what moves you.